Alopecia Areata Hair Loss

Alopecia Areata Treatment Using SMP in London

Alopecia areata is one of the most common reasons for sudden or unexpected hair loss, and its psychological impact can have a profound impact on self-confidence, self-esteem and body image.

A condition that can strike at any time and at any age, alopecia is often very challenging to live with due to changing symptoms that can be volatile, fluctuating between severe and mild.

Many of the clients we see here at Scalp Provoco come to us because they’re struggling to come to terms with alopecia areata treatment and are searching for a solution that can help them to look and feel great on the inside and the outside over the long term.

Alopecia Areata Treatment

What is alopecia areata, and how do I know if I have it?

There are three alopecia conditions which may affect the scalp or the body, or both (though our treatments are intended to treat scalp alopecia). These are:

Alopecia areata

Known as ‘spot baldness’ and, as the English name suggests, causes hair loss in patches on the scalp rather than all head hair.

Alopecia totalis

This alopecia condition causes total hair loss in the affected area of the body.

Traction alopecia

Hair loss caused through pulling the hair out with the hands and is usually linked to wider psychological or mental health issues.

Common Condition

Although alopecia is an extremely common condition, it has no cure, and the treatments that are available either over the counter or by prescription aren’t guaranteed to be effective.If you suffer from alopecia, you may already have come across some of these treatments, which include minoxidil (branded as Rogaine and Numan, among others), anti-inflammatory corticosteroids (including prednisolone, prednisone and others) and immunotherapy.

Typical symptoms of alopecia include:

Small patches of hair loss on the scalp or body, which over time may form larger areas of baldness

  • Hair regrowth in one area coincides with hair loss elsewhere
  • Significant hair loss in a short period of time
  • Fingernails and toenails become red, brittle and pitted
  • You find you lose more hair in colder weather

If you think your hair loss may be caused by alopecia, you should see your GP. However, in most cases scalp micropigmentation will complement any clinical treatment you may receive.

How can scalp micropigmentation help disguise hair loss through alopecia areata?

Scalp micropigmentation is guaranteed to make hair loss through alopecia less obvious and less visible through the semi-permanent tattooing of tiny dots in shades of black into the scalp to give the impression of textured hair growth

Because it is a semi-permanent solution that has an immediate positive impact on your hairline, it’s a treatment that will last up to 8 years, meaning you can stop worrying about your appearance and start getting on with the important things in life.

A semi-permanent solution to the effects of alopecia areata

If you’re ready to discover how personally-tailored scalp micropigmentation (also known as SMP) can provide a long-lasting solution for the effects of alopecia and restore your self-confidence and self-esteem, please get in touch to arrange a free, no-obligation chat with our friendly team in our London clinic.